Mental Health


In the case of mental illness, it is possible for us to consider those that are Mild and Stable, as defined below, however, this is not the setting in which to find support for a student that is untreated, unstable, or acting out, or is described in the Moderate, Severe, or Profound categories.  Our heart goes out the families with this struggle and we attempt to help with referrals whenever possible.

Mental Illness Level of Need:

  1. Mild:
    • Symptoms are manageable and may not significantly interfere with daily life
    • Might experience occasional emotional distress, but can generally maintain normal functioning
    • Can often manage with therapy, medication, or coping strategies
  1. Moderate:
    • Symptoms are more persistent and may interfere with some aspects of daily life (work, relationships)
    • May require more consistent treatment or therapy
    • Impact on functioning can fluctuate, sometimes being more disruptive during stressful periods
  1. Severe:
    • Symptoms have a significant impact on day-to-day life, and may make it difficult to maintain employment, relationships, or self-care
    • Often requires intensive treatment, including medication, psychotherapy, or inpatient care
    • May experience chronic or episodic mental health crises
  1. Profound:
    • Symptoms are debilitating and likely to prevent independent functioning in most areas
    • Typically requires long-term, intensive treatment or institutional care
    • May be unable to communicate or care for themselves without support


  • Stable: Symptoms are under control or not fluctuating significantly, usually through treatment or management.
  • Chronic: Persistent and long-lasting; symptoms may not improve over time without treatment.
  • Episodic: Symptoms that occur in episodes, with periods of relative stability or recovery in between.
  • Acute: Sudden onset or intense severity of symptoms, often requiring immediate intervention.